In this discussion we will focus on the items relating to the dashboard type: Heat Maps. You will learn how the information can be displayed and interpreted.
NOTE: This is a generic introduction to help familiarize yourself with the core components available.
Items that are specific to a particular Dashboard will be discussed in greater detail within each specific Analytics offering.
Heat Maps - show the HOT and COLD cells within a time based snapshot of your query.
- Darker shaded cells - highlight the higher, stronger or more active points.
- Lighter shaded cells - highlight the little to no activity.
Identifying Warmer/Hot cells:
This illustration, using the red rectangles to hone in on the warmest/hottest cells. Here that seems to indicate that Tuesday at 13:00 (1:00 pm) is our peak period of time for this dashboard/filter set.
Identifying Cooler/Cold cells:
Same graphic, this time the highlighting red rectangle, indicates our coolest times for this dashboard/filter set.
But it still looks like there is something even in the cool periods, how do I tell?
Using a table:
Same graphic, only this time, using other tools, converted this from the Heat Map to a table view. This shows that even on the weekend, whatever this dashboard/filter set is offering; it too, indicates something is happening albeit to a lesser degree.