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The Inks / Coatings tab allows you create and manage the specifications for Inks and Coatings used in your printing processes. Required parameters are indicated with an * in the edit dialog.

The Inks / Coatings panel provides the following functions:

  • Search / Sort / Filter - to find a specific Ink / Coating resource.
  • Add - to add a new Ink / Coating to the list
  • Edit - to make changes to an existing Ink / Coating.
  • Duplicate and Inherit - to duplicate an existing ink and inherit all the specifications from the original ink.
  • Delete - to remove an existing Ink / Coating
  • Import - to import a spreadsheet (.csv format) containing a list of inks and their specifications.

Search / Sort / Filter - Inks / Coatings

Search for a Ink / Coating by name:

  • Type the name in the search field.
  • Delete to clear the search field.

Sort the Inks / Coatings list via:

  • Ascending order (↑)
  • Descending order (↓)

Filter the Inks / Coatings list:

Select a unique Ink or Coating name or "All" from the following Filters:

  • Manufacturer
  • Product Line
  • Base
  • Color Type

TIP: At the bottom of the page, you can control the list view to set the number of records shown Per Page.

  • Type/Edit the number of records you would like to display. (i.e. "20".)
  • Click the "+" or "-" buttons to change the increment values by a unit of 10.
  • No labels