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To add an Ink or Coating, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Add button located in the right corner.
  2. In the "Create Ink / Coating" window, enter values for the following information:

Field Name



Enter a unique name for your Ink or Coating


Enter a unique ID for your Ink or Coating


Enter a unique SKU for your Ink or Coating


Enter a Manufacturer name for your Ink or Coating

Product Line*

Enter a unique Product Line for your Ink or Coating


Enter a unique Base for your Ink or Coating

Price (Currency/Weight)*

Enter a unique price (in your preferred unit of currency) per unit (in your preferred unit of weight) for your Ink or Coating

: Items marked with * are mandatory.

Note 2: It is critical that each ink (or coating) is defined with a meaningful name that describes Color, Manufacturer and Model, such as "Cyan-Flint-Arrowstar", or you will not be able to determine which ink to add to a Print Condition.

Select Save.

Select Cancel to leave the page.

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