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  1. In the Parameter Configuration interface, select Font.

  2. To set font parameters and confirm that you want the file inspected for those parameters, select the Enable check box.
    If Enable is not selected, the font parameters will not be inspected.  

    Font Size

    Check for fonts in objects that are less than the specified minimum font size for Single Ink Font, Multi Ink Font, fonts with specified inks that are less than 100%, and White Font (fonts without filling with any color). 

    Check on True Type FontCheck for True Type fonts in the job.
    Check on Open Type FontCheck for Open Type fonts in the job.
    Check on Bitmap Fonts without PS OutlineCheck for Bitmap fonts without PostScript outlines in the job.
    Min. Width for Text Stroke

    Check for fonts with strokes less than minimum line width of the job.

    The unit of measurement for line width should match the unit selected in the Adobe Illustrator Preferences.

    Min. Width for Text White Stroke

    Check for fonts with white strokes less than minimum line width of the job.

    The unit of measurement for line width should match the unit selected in the Adobe Illustrator Preferences.

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