Page tree

The following table provides a brief description of all activities in this guide.

Activity name and description

Time to complete

Activity 1: Create a rule set with a generic exception handler
Demonstrates how to capture exceptions that are thrown when a rule set is run.


Activity 2: Register the schema
Demonstrates how to register a schema, to enable RBA to drive automatic processes when a customer makes an order via external software (for example, an eCommerce site).


Activity 3: Associate a rule set with a job hot folder
Demonstrates how to create a rule set that is triggered by a job folder drop, which tells Prinergy to read the XML in the dropped file.


Activity 4: Hot swap the rule set and create a job group
Demonstrates how to get the rule set to automatically create a job group, while working on a copy of the enabled rule set, and then hot swapping the rule set so that the updated copy is enabled.


Activity 5: Set up an exception handler
Reviews and reinforces tasks such as creating an exception handler and hot swapping, while continuing to build the rule set.


Activity 6: Get the rule set to create a job
Demonstrates how to get the rule set to automatically create a new job after the XML file is dropped into the hot folder.


Activity 7: Get the rule set to add and refine input files
Demonstrates how to get the rule set to automatically add and refine the relevant input files.


Activity 8: Get the rule set to import an imposition
Demonstrates how to get the rule set to import an imposition, using the information from the XML file.


Activity 9: Get the rule set to perform APA
Demonstrates how to get the rule set to automatically perform APA (automatic page assignment).


Activity 10: Get the rule set to create final output
Demonstrates how to get the rule set to automatically create the final output.


Activity 11: Create a table of values
Demonstrates how to set conditions, so that RBA will perform a different action, depending on which condition has been fulfilled.


Activity 12: Set up remote triggers
Demonstrates how to set up a remote trigger, in order to get one RBA rule set to be triggered via another "remote" rule set.


Activity 13: Get the rule set to populate custom fields
Builds on the previous Remote Trigger activity and adds Dashboard-like functionality with the use of Prinergy custom fields. As the rule set runs, custom fields are populated to display information about the progress and output of the workflow.


Activity 14: Actions and events of interest
Discusses some additional events and actions that you might find useful.


Activity 15: Locate and rename files in a folder
Demonstrates how to use the List Directory and Rename One File actions to identify and correct files that do not conform to a specific naming standard.


Activity 16: Update a daily production record with the names of all pages approved that day
Demonstrates how to safely access a shared resource from multiple instances of a rule set.


Activity 17: Send an e-mail with a summary of a daily production record
Demonstrates how to use the Read CSV action to read a CSV file, use variables to tabulate a production report, and properly implement a rule set that can infinitely repeat.


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