Page tree

In this task, you will edit the copied rule set to add a loose page output action.

  1. On the Actions tab, locate Perform Loose Page OutputPrinergy Actions > Page Actions > Perform Loose Page Output
  2. Drag Perform Loose Page Output to the Success + Warn icon.
    The Success + Warn icon represents a resulting event linked to a completed action, in this case, Refine Input File.

    By dragging the Perform Loose Page Output action to the Success + Warn event, you cause RBA to automatically generate loose page outputs of any PDF pages that have been refined with a success or warning status.

  3. Double-click the red line separating the resulting event Success + Warn and the Perform Loose Page Output action.
  4. In Rule Parameters Editor, click the red text (Enter a Value) in the Process Template Path box.
  5. Click the Edit Value icon (...) to access the Parameter Value dialog box.
  6. In the Parameter Value dialog box, select the process template: Loose Page Output > Virtual Proof > Virtual Proof.LoosePage

  7. Click OK.
  8. In Rule Parameters Editor, click OK.
  9. On the Rule Builder toolbar, click the Save icon.
  10. Close Rule Builder.
  11. In Rule Set Manager, select your XX_Rule_Set_Proof and click the Enable button.

    Your rule is now enabled and ready to use.
  12. Minimize Rule Set Manager.
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