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For successful color processing in EPM mode, the EPM secondary server must have the same PANTONE color library version as the primary server and must contain all the global color entries.

  1. Compare the version of the PANTONE color library on the primary server with the version of the PANTONE library on the EPM secondary server. If the versions are different, update the PANTONE library on the EPM secondary server.
  2. Identify any nonstandard global color entries that are not migrated daily to the EPM secondary server, and create these entries on the EPM secondary server. You can use the following table to record any nonstandard global color entries that you need to re-create on the EPM secondary server:

    Color Name

    CMYK or LAB


    Example: Special Spot Red


    Opacity=Normal, Neutral
    C=0, M=100, Y=90, K=0
    Screening angle=75

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