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You must update the locations of JTPs, mark sets, and ICC profiles in the process templates so that the EPM server can find them.

During normal system operation, the process templates from the primary server are copied daily to the EPM server. In failover mode, the EPM server, which is now the Prinergy primary, uses these process templates.

To prepare for failover, you must ensure that the EPM server can find all the files that are referred to in the process templates. If you copy files to a different location, such as to another server, you must record the new file locations so that you can edit the process templates after a failover is initiated. At that time, you might also need to edit some process templates to capture changes that were made since they were last copied.


Edit any process template that points to a JTP on the primary server, so that it instead points to a JTP or JTP pool that is accessible to the EPM server.
Note: Process templates that reference JTP pools instead of JTPs generally require less updating after a failover.

Mark sets

Mark sets are copied daily from the standard location at %AraxiHome%\CreoAraxi\data\MarkSets\ to the identical location on the EPM server.
If a process template refers to mark sets that are at a different location on the primary server, you must update the locations in the process template.

ICC profiles

ICC profiles are copied daily from the standard location at %AraxiHome%\CreoAraxi\data\ICC-Profiles\ to the identical location on the EPM server.
If the ICC profile parameters in a process template refer to profiles at a different location on the primary server, you must update the locations in the process template.

  1. Identify any files that are referenced in process templates but are stored only on the original primary server or in nonstandard folders.
  2. Place copies of these files in locations that the EPM server can access if the primary server fails.
  3. Record the locations of the files. You can use this table to record process templates that refer to a JTP that is only on the primary server and note the names and locations of any mark sets or ICC profiles that the EPM server needs to operate during failover:

    File Name or Process Template

    New Location or JTP


    Example: SpecialMarkFile.pdf


    Special mark set for Customer A

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