Page tree

  1. In PDF Trap Editor, select the Detailed view of the Trap Page or Trap Selection dialog box.
  2. Click the Inks tab.
  3. Select a colorant, and perform one of the following actions:
    • Select the Treat as Black check box to have colors underneath kept back from the borders.
    • Clear the check box to remove the Treat as Black status for a colorant.

Tip: Use Treat as Black to trap double hits of spot colors using two spot colors, one for the first hit, the other for the second. Set the overprinting second hit to Treat as Black so that a choke trap will be applied to the first hit, usually a tint, to keep it away from the borders.

Set a rich black object to Treat as Black so that a choke trap will be applied to its booster colors.

See Also

Setting an ink to treat as black

Setting a spot color for emphasis

Trapping double hits of spot color

  • No labels