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You must create a rule set that reads the InSite XML and creates or imports the appropriate layouts.

  1.  In your Layout Automation Sample share, open an existing rule set that you will use for reading InSite XML files.
    You can also create a rule set by using Rule Set Manager (in Workshop, select Tools > Rule Set Manager, and then select File > New Rule Set), but you will have to enter the complex parameters manually for the Create Layout action. These parameters are entered automatically when you use an existing layout automation rule.
  2.  Double-click the Read XML action, and perform the following steps:
    1. Click the row next to Schema Name, and select the XSLT file that translates the info sheet XML into the PLA format.
      This is the XSLT file that you added to RBA in the previous procedure. It must exist in RBA before it will appear in the Schema Name list.
    2. Click the row next to File, and click ... (browse).
      The job event appears.
    3. To identify the path to the updated info sheet, select Event Properties, and then select Info Sheet Updated > New Info Sheet Path.
      Note: RBA knows which info sheet was updated because the information was passed from the Prepress Portal software.
    4. Click OK.
  3. Double-click the Create Layout action, and perform the following steps:
    1. Click the row next to Layout Output Path, and locate a folder on the Prinergy Workflow primary server where temporary output files can be stored. 
      You should select a job template UserConfigured folder, but you can create a Temporary folder on either the Prinergy
      Workflow Jobs drive or AraxiTemp share. 
      Important: Use the IP address of the job server to identify it. Do not use the name of the server.
    2. If you are creating the rule from scratch, complete the other configuration fields in the Pandora software as needed.
      If you are editing an existing RBA rule from the Layout Automation Sample folder, the other Create Layout parameters are already set.
      Tip: Edit an existing rule to avoid manually entering the complex parameters associated with the Create Layout action.
    3. Click OK.
  4. Double-click the Import Layout action, and perform the following steps:
    1. Click the row next to Job, and select Event Properties > Layout Created > Previous Event > Previous Event (Info Sheet Updated) > Job > Job Name.
      Note: Depending on the number of steps in your rule, you may have to go back more than two previous events.
    2. Click the row next to Process Template Path, and select the process template used to import the layout file.
      This can be your default ImportAll process template, or a custom layout importing template that you have created.
    3. Click the row next to Layout File, and select Event Properties > Layout Created > Layout File.
      This locates the output from the Create Layout action.
      Note: Depending on the number of steps in your rule, you may have to go back to one or more previous events before you find the Layout Created event.
    4. Click OK.
  5. Save the rule set.
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