The Plate Control Strip is compatible with workflow software such as Kodak Prinergy Workflow software and Prinergy Evo Workflow software, as well as workflow software from other vendors.

  • To correctly process the Plate Control Strip, the workflow must interpret and render the job containing the file at the device resolution. For example, for a 2400 dpi device, RIP the Plate Control Strip at 2400 dpi. In its Visual Checkerboard and Parallel Lines sections, the Plate Control Strip needs to control individual device pixels. If you RIP it at a different resolution, these elements will be corrupted.
  • You cannot use Adobe Distiller software, Illustrator software, or Adobe Photoshop software to RIP the Plate Control Strip. These applications do not interpret the image correctly.
  • For use in PDF workflows, the Plate Control Strip, or a page containing it, should be normalized at the intended device resolution.
  • The mark is drawn in all separations known to the interpreter when the file is run. The file produces the same pattern in all separations.
  • When you RIP/interpret the Plate Control Strip at resolutions higher than 2540 dpi, the fine lines become even finer. This is expected and not an error. 
  • The preconfigured KPCS files all specify a particular resolution. You can configure a custom KPCS file that obtains the device resolution from the RIP.
  • The Helvetica typeface must be available on the RIP to correctly image the text in the Plate Control Strip.
  • No labels