The Kodak Plate Control Strip (KPCS) is a precision test image for monitoring and troubleshooting image quality, screening, and calibration on CTP-generated plates. It enables the plate technician to make quick, qualified visual assessments of plates. When used as part of a controlled manufacturing process, KPCS can help track trends in plating performance and provide an early warning of imaging and processing aberrations.

KPCS applies to conventional (AM) halftone printing and to Staccato screening (FM) print reproduction for which quality control needs are particularly stringent. This user guide is intended for anyone who uses the KPCS test image. It describes how to use the KPCS file to identify problems with RIP/interpreter resolution, plate exposure and processing, screening and calibration. It also describes how you can configure a custom Plate Control Strip for your particular needs.

You can use layout or imposition software such as Kodak Preps Imposition Software or Kodak Pandora Step-and-Repeat Software to place the Plate Control Strip. You can then use workflow software such as Kodak Prinergy Workflow software or Kodak Prinergy Evo Workflow software to process the resulting files.

KPCS files and documentation are free and available to customers via the Customer Engagement Center or from your service and support portal (login required).
Note: For Pandora users, the files are also available in the Extras > Marks folder in the Pandora software.

To use this guide, you should:

  • Have a working knowledge of platemaking
  • Be familiar with screening and calibration

This guide assumes that:

  • All the hardware, software, and network components of your platemaking system are installed, configured, and operating correctly.
  • Files are free of common errors usually resolved during preflight, such as missing fonts and Adobe PostScript language errors.
  • No labels