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In the part of the activity you will perform the following steps to create a workflow template:

  • Convert an input file to PDF
  • Allow the operator to do color mapping (or another task) and refine the file again
  • Output a virtual proof from refined pages and allow the operator to approve them before continuing
  • Create a 4-up imposition (JDF) and automatically output a virtual proof from the imposition file
  • Save the template. You will be using it for the other tasks in this activity.

Tip: To delete a process step, select it, and click Delete.

Convert an input file to PDF

  1. In the Prinergy Evo Configure menu, select Workflow Templates and click New.
    The Workflow Template Editor displays the assembly pane on the left, the control steps on the upper right, and the Process Template pane on the lower right.
  2. From the Process Template pane (on the right), open the Installation Test Procedure folder inside Factory Templates and drag the Refine toPDF-ITP process template to the assembly pane (on the left).
    Prinergy Evo automatically positions the process template icon on the first cell.

Allow the operator to do color mapping, then refine again

  1. From the list of Installation Test Procedure process templates, drag another Refine toPDF-ITP process template to the assembly pane. 
    The process step icon appears in the horizontal position, next to the first refine. The second refine will occur after the first refine. 
  2. To temporarily hold the files so that the operator can do color mapping, click the hand icon in the second refine.
    The hand icon now points up, indicating that the second refine will not execute until the operator manually releases the files.

Output a virtual proof from refined pages

  • From the list of Installation Test Procedure process templates, drag OutputPDF-VPS-ITP to the assembly pane.
    The hand icon points to the right, indicating that Prinergy Evo will automatically output virtual proofs after the second refine.

Allow the operator to approve virtual proofs and create a 4-up imposition (JDF)

  1. From the list of Installation Test Procedure process templates, drag Impose-4up-ITP to the assembly pane. 
    • The process step icon appears in the vertical position, below the virtual proof processing step.
    • The hand icon points to the right, indicating that Prinergy Evo will create the imposition at the same time it outputs virtual proofs.
  2. To temporarily hold the files so that the operator can approve the virtual proofs (and optionally adjust the run list or signature list), click the hand icon that controls the Impose-4up-ITP step.
    The hand icon now points up, indicating that Prinergy Evo will not create the imposition until the operator manually releases the files.

Output a virtual proof from imposition JDF file

  • From the list of Installation Test Procedure process templates, drag OutputImposition-VPS-ITP to the assembly pane.
    The hand icon points to the right, indicating that Prinergy Evo will automatically output virtual proofs after it creates the 4-up imposition.

Save your workflow template

  1. From the File menu, click Save Workflow Template.
  2. In the Save Template dialog box, click the New Group button.
  3. In the New Template Group dialog box, type a name for the group that will contain your workflow template, and click OK.
  4. In the Save as box, type a name for your workflow template.
  5. Click Save
    Your workflow template is saved and added to the Template Browser.
  6. Close the Workflow Template Editor.
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