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Create a refine process template that converts spot colors to process

  1. Open the Activity 23 Refine process template.
  2. In the Refine process template dialog box, select Spot Color Handling and check which spot color handling options are currently selected.
  3. In the Spot Color Handling area, select Map all Spot Colors to Process.
  4. Select the Resolve Ambiguous Spot Color Definitions check box.
  5. Save the refine process template with a new name—for example, YourName_ConverttoProcess.

Create a new spot color library and add colors

In this procedure, you will configure a new color library and add some colors to that library.

  1. From the Configure menu, select Color Definitions
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the New User Library dialog box, Library Name box, type a name for your color library—for example, YourNameTrainingColors.
  4. In the Library Color Space section, select CMYK
  5. Click Add.
  6. In the Colors section, click Add.
  7. In the New Color dialog box, in the Color name box, type the color name: PANTONE 118 CVU
    This is one of the colors used in the input file supplied for this practice activity.
  8. Click Add
  9. In the Alternate Color dialog box, enter the color recipe using either the value slide bar or by typing the values in the color boxes.
    For this activity, you may use any recipe. A customer user would define the color recipe used as the standard in their company workflow.
  10. Click Apply.
    The color recipe is saved and in the Colors list, a color swatch appears beside the color name.
  11. Repeat step #5 through step #9 to add PANTONE 130 CV to the library.
  12. Close the Color Definitions window.

Convert Spot Colors to Process During the Refine Process

  1. Submit the file from the Activity 23 folder to refine via the YourName_ConverttoProcess refine process template you created earlier in this activity.
  2. Track the refine process in the Process Viewer.
    Observe any messages about spot color handling. Prinergy Evo should convert the colors to process, using the color recipes you defined in your color library.
  3. When the refine process is complete, open the refined PDF files and view in Acrobat. Note which PANTONE colors are now used in the files.
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