In the Created Files list in the Process Viewer, you can remake signatures, surfaces, or separations for all output process templates. When you select an element to be remade, Prinergy Evo remakes it using the original settings. To remake elements from the Process Viewer, the output process template attached to the process must have the Copy input files and enable Process Remake check box selected in the Device section.
- See Creating an output process template.
- In the Device section select the Copy input files and enable Process Remake check box.
- Save the output process template.
- Create a submission channel. For example, perform either of the following actions:
- Configure a hot folder to output to proof, film, or plate. Attach the output process template to the output hot folder. See Creating a new single-process hot folder.
The Prinergy Evo server computer must have administrative privileges on all hot folders. All hot folders should reside on the Prinergy Evo server computer. - Configure the template palette, and attach the required output process template. See Customizing the template palette.
- Configure a hot folder to output to proof, film, or plate. Attach the output process template to the output hot folder. See Creating a new single-process hot folder.
- Submit the input file for output to plate, film, or proof. During processing, the Process Viewer displays the progress of the output process as well as the progress of the process remake data.
- After the file is processed, click the View by Process view in the Process Viewer.
- Click a process in the top section of the Process Viewer.
- In the Created Files list, click an element that you want to remake.
- Click Remake.