Resubmitting Files

The Input Files list displays a list of files you have submitted for the currently selected process.

In the Input Files list, you can resubmit files, enabling you to perform some last-minute changes. For example, when resubmitting a PDF file to the output from PDF process template, you could change the file's output location by clicking Settings in the Process Start dialog box and then clicking Output.

Remaking Files

The Created Files list displays a list of files that the software creates after a process completes.

In the Created Files list, you can remake signatures, surfaces, or separations for all output process templates. When you select an element to be remade, Prinergy Evo remakes it using the original settings. To remake elements from the Process Viewer, the output process template attached to the process must have the Copy input files and enable Process Remake check box selected in the Device section.

Prinergy Evo 5.0 and later includes changes to the resubmit features. When you submit a process and you make changes in the dynamic settings, Prinergy Evo now stores the changes that you selected. For example, if you submit a PDF file and select the APPE RIP in dynamic settings instead of CPSI that was set in the process template, Prinergy Evo uses the changed settings by default if you use the resubmit feature to process the file again. In earlier versions of the software, any changes you made to the dynamic settings would not be used by default in subsequent resubmit processes.

This enhancement also includes a slight change to the user interface. When you resubmit a file from a process, the name of the process template will appear in the Process Start dialog box with an asterisk (star). The asterisk indicates that this new process is a resubmission and will use the latest dynamic settings.

To Do This

Do This

Resubmit files

  1. In the Process Viewer, click the View by Process view.
  2. Click a process in the top section of the Process Viewer.
  3. In the Input Files list, click a file that you want to resubmit.
  4. Click Resubmit.
  5. In the Process Start dialog box, click Settings.
  6. In the dialog box, make any last-minute changes.
  7. Click OK.

Remake Files

  1. In the Process Viewer, click the View by Process view.
  2. Click a process in the top section of the Process Viewer.
  3. In the Created Files list, click an element that you want to remake.
  4. Click Remake.
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