After you examine the color output of the SCO, if you want to produce a closer color alignment between the SCO and the PCO, you can adjust the conversion DeviceLink that ColorFlow has calculated.
Before you adjust a DeviceLink, you should consider what other elements may be dependent on the DeviceLink. When you adjust the input tonality of a DeviceLink, ColorFlow recalculates dependent color control elements, and any adjustments you previously made to those elements will be lost.
You can only adjust the white point of a DeviceLink if its rendering intent is Absolute Colorimetric. White point adjustment is used to adjust the paper tint simulation. The size of the surrounding area that is affected by your adjustment depends on how much you adjusted the white point. Because white point adjustments may affect the highlights area, when you make a white point adjustment, you should check its effects before you adjust output tonality.
Adjusting the output tonality of a DeviceLink is the recommended method for global color adjustments. The effect of adjusting the output tonality is similar to adjusting a curve. However, if a simulation uses both curves and a DeviceLink, only DeviceLink adjustments are transmitted to SCOs.
Unless a DeviceLink uses the Full Reseparation method, the effect of adjusting the input tonality of the DeviceLink is similar to adjusting the output tonality of the DeviceLink. If the DeviceLink uses the Full Reseparation method, CMYK input content is completely reseparated and, for example, a black-channel gradient may become a CMY gradient. In this case, adjusting the input tonality for black is not the same as adjusting the output tonality for black.
- In the color setup viewer, click the Conversion icon between the PCO and the SCO.
- From the Output Version list, select the version for which you want to adjust the DeviceLink.
- Click the DeviceLink tab.
- Select an attribute and make your adjustments: