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If you have RGB images or graphics that you want to print using a standard printing method, you must convert the images and graphics to a CMYK color space. Converting RGB to an industry standard CMYK ensures greater consistency and predictability in print, and may be required to meet a customer's print specifications. 


Add an RGB color input to the GRACoL C1 2006 color setup you created in a previous activity, and then define the custom RGB reference using  a sample data file from your ColorFlow installation folder.

Task 1: Set up an RGB Reference device as the color input

  1. In ColorFlow, in the Color Setups list table, select the color setup named GRACoL C1 2006.
  2. Open the Device dialog box by selecting View > Devices or double-clicking the color setup viewer.
  3. From the Devices dialog box, drag and drop the RGB Reference device on top of the PCO.
  4. Close the Device dialog box.
  5. In the RGB Reference device condition, click the Properties icon .
  6. In the Name box, enter XX RGB Reference File (where xx=your initials).
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click the Device condition profile icon  .  
  9. Click Import.
  10. Browse and select \ Program Files\Kodak\ColorFlow\SampleData\Profiles\Adobe ICC Profiles\RGB\AdobeRGB1998.icc.
  11. Click OK.

Task 2: Refine a page in Prinergy using the color setup

  1. In Prinergy, create a new job, and name it as XX Refine to RGB (where xx=your initials) .
  2. In the new job, select Edit > Edit Job Attributes and do the following
    1. From the Default Snapshot list, select Current state.
    2. From the Job Color Setup list, select the GRACoL C1 2006 color setup.
    3. Click OK.
  3. Create a new refine process template, and name it as ColorFlow Refine - GRACoL C1:
    1. Select the Color Convert check box and expand the panel.
    2. In the Match Colors area, select Enable ColorFlow.
    3. In the Snapshot list, select Current state.
    4. In the Color Setup list, select the GRACoL C1 2006 color setup.
      In the Convert to Destination area, in the Primary Color Output list, GRACoL C1 2006 is automatically selected.
    5. Ensure that under the Untagged Content section, the RGB Images and RGB Graphics check boxes are selected, and all other settings are cleared.
    6. Save the process template.
  4. Refine Chart_TintRamp_CMYK.pdf with the new process template.


You have added an RGB color input to a color setup to refine a page and converted all RGB images and graphics to an industry standard CMYK color space.


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