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    Perform the following tasks as appropriate to the imposition software that you are integrating.

    If you are integrating

    Use the Configure Imposition Applications dialog box to

    Preps—any integration option (see Preps integration options)

    For full details, see Setting up integrated Preps.

    • Create and set the default import process template. 

    Note: Prinergy automatically searches a default location for Preps software licenses.

    Preps start-only option (see Preps integration options)

    • Set the imposition software location. 

    Note: With this option, you must import Preps files manually.


    For full details, see the Pandora with Prinergy User Guide.

    1. Set the imposition software location.
    2. Create and set the default import process template.
    3. Create and set the default export process template.

    Heidelberg Prinect Signa Station

    • Set the imposition software location.

    Note: Not all versions of Signa Station are qualified. For the most current information, contact a service representative.

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