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    With either of the Preps integration options, the Prinergy Client Installer automatically identifies the Preps software location. However, some procedures are required to set up integrated Preps.

    Set up tasks

    • Create and set the default import process template. See the topic about creating an import process template for impositions.
    • Copy all Preps templates, marks, and printer files to the Prinergy folder, ...\CreoAraxi\AraxiPreps. See the topic about saving Preps resource files to a Prinergy folder.
    • On a Windows-based client computer, you may need to set an exception in the firewall settings to allow Preps.exe, so that the Prinergy server can authorize a floating license for each session.
    • On a Mac client computer, you must set Others to Read/Write for the AraxiPreps folder (Go to Applications\Creo\Prinergy\AraxiPreps, press Command+I, and change the user rights at the bottom).

    Note: The Preps DLL on the Prinergy server (which is used to convert Preps jobs, JDFs, and so on to impositions) will only work in Preps 6 mode. This means that sites with Preps 5 clients must migrate these clients to a newer Preps version in order to edit Prinergy impositions. Check Partner Place for online training resources, or contact your Kodak representative for training options. Be advised, Preps 5 and earlier are no longer tested or supported. 

    Import profiles for Integrated Preps

    With either of the Preps integration options, the Import raw imposition files section of the import process template contains two profiles:

    • PrepsPrinergy is the profile that is used when creating or editing an imposition, and the imposition is automatically imported. Prinergy automatically selects this profile during the automatic import process.
    • Default is the default profile used when importing either a Preps .job or a JDF file from a management information system (MIS). If you require a different profile, select a profile in the Import raw imposition files section of the process template.
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