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Create an Output From TIFF process template group

  1. From the Configure menu, click Launch Process Template Editor.
  2. Select Process Templates.
    The new process template group will go in this folder.
  3. From the File menu, select New Process Template Group.
  4. In the New Group box, type Output from TIFF

Create a New Output From TIFF process template

  1. Select the Output from TIFF process template group.
  2. From the Process Template Editor menu, select the File menu, and select New Output from TIFF Template
    The Output from TIFF dialog box appears.
  3. In the Output To box, select Virtual Proof
    Prinergy Evo will output .vps files to the file location specified in the Output File Delivery area (see step 10).
  4. Expand the Layout area.
  5. In the Placement area, select Center Horizontally.
  6. (Optional) Compensate for Press Distortion
    The Scaling section of the Layout area includes the licensed Use Web Grow Profile, if Available feature. Web growth compensates for press distortion, and several web growth profiles are located in the PrinergyEvoConfig folder. 
  7. Close the Layout area.
  8. (Optional) Create ink key files for the job.
    • PrintLink is a licensed feature that creates a report of the area of ink coverage and the percentage of the plate covered. The information is more accurate than scanning; makeready is faster and there is less waste. 
    • Ink report .ppf files can be generated without printing to plate. For information, see the Tell Me More About PrintLink topic in the Prinergy Evo Help. 
      Warning: If PrintLink is not licensed on your system, do not select the PrintLink check box. If you do, you will experience technical problems during processing. 
  9. Expand the File Delivery area of the process template.
  10. In the Processed Files Location area, select the Send Processed Files to check box.
  11. In the Device Path box, type .\VPS
    Prinergy Evo will automatically output the Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software .vps files to the VPS folder, which is located in the same folder as the first input file. If the VPS folder does not exist, Prinergy Evo will create it.
  12. From the File menu, select Save.
  13. In the Name box, type OutputFromTIFF-VPS.
  14. Click Create Process Template.
    Prinergy Evo stores the process template in the Output from TIFF process group.
  15. Close the Process Template Editor.

Submit TIFF Files to the OutputFromTIFF-VPS Process Template

  1. From the Window menu, select Template Browser.
  2. Expand the Output from TIFF process group.
  3. Drag al thel Print '05 .tif files from the Activity 36 folder to the OutputFromTIFF-VPS process template in the Template Browser.
  4. In the Process Start dialog box, in the Job box, type the name of the job, such as Activity 36.
  5. Click Go.
  6. From the Window menu, select Process Viewer: View by Process.
    Prinergy Evo processes the .tif files and outputs .vps files.

View the .VPS Files

  1. Start the Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software.
  2. In the VPS folder, in the Activity 36  folder where you saved the output files, open all of the .vps files in the Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software.
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