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Create an Output From Imposition process template

The new process template will be based on the existing OutputImposition-VPSFactory process template.

  1. From the Configure menu, select Process Templates.
  2. Expand the Factory Templates\Output from Imposition process group.
  3. Double-click the Output from Imposition-VPS-Factory process template. 
    Virtual Proof is the default setting in the Output To box. This process template is configured to output to Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software.
  4. Expand the Device area of the process template.
  5. Select the Copy Input Files and Enable Process Remake check box.
  6. Expand the File Delivery area of the process template.
  7. In the Processed File Location area, select Send Processed Files to, and type .\VPS  
    Prinergy Evo will automatically output the Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software .vps files to the VPS folder, which is located in the same folder as the first input file. If the VPS folder does not exist, Prinergy Evo will create it.
  8. From the File menu, select Save As.
  9. Locate the Process Templates folder (up two levels) and in the Name box, type OutputImposition-VPS-Remake.
  10. Click Create Process Template.

Submit the Imposition PJTF File to the OutputImposition-VPS-Remake process template

  1. From the Window menu, select Template Browser.
  2. Drag Activity35.pjtf from the Activity 35 folder to the OutputImposition-VPS-Remake process template in the Template Browser.
  3. In the Process Start dialog box, in the Job box, type the name of the job such as Activity 35.
  4. Click Go.
  5. From the Window menu, select Process Viewer: View by Process. 
    Prinergy Evo processes the Activity35.pjtf file and outputs .vps files.

View the .VPS files

  1. Start the Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software.
  2. In the VPS folder where you saved the output files, open the black separation file, such as Activ.Activity35.1A.K.vps.
    Plate ID 0000-013C appears beside Signature 1. Note that a unique plate ID is generated each time. The plate ID is of the form ####-####.

Remake the Separation

  1. To avoid confusion with the new output, delete all .vps files in the VPS folder for Activity 35.
  2. From the Edit menu, select Remake Separation by ID.
    The Remake by Separation ID dialog appears.
  3. In the Enter Separation ID box, type 0000-013C.
  4. Click Remake.
  5. From the Window menu, select Process Viewer: View by Process.
    Observe as Prinergy Evo processes the Activity35.pjtf file, remakes the black separation, and outputs the .vps file.

View the Remake of Black Separation

  1. If necessary, start the Virtual Proofing System software.
  2. In the VPS folder where you saved your output files, open the black separation file Activ.Activity35.1A.K.vps.
  3. Confirm Plate ID 0000-013C on Signature 1.
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