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Create a New Multi-Process Hot Folder for Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software and Digital Blueline Proofs

  1. From Prinergy Evo Client software, create a new hot folder on a shared file server volume that is available to your Prinergy Evo server computer and users. 
    If you need help with this step, refer to Prinergy Evo Client Help: Creating a New Multi-Process Hot Folder.
  2. Assign the hot folder a unique name that identifies its multiple purposes: outputting imposition files to Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software and to digital blueline proofs. 
  3. Add to the hot folder a process template for producing Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software proofs:
    1. In the New Hot Folder dialog box, click Add to select a process template to associate with this hot folder. 
    2. In the Assign process template dialog box, select an output from imposition process template that will create Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software output—for example, the factory default OutputImposition-VPS-Factory template. 
    3. In the Template will be used to process area, select Files Matching This Criteria
    4. In the File Type list, select Imposition Files.
      Prinergy Evo will check the file type of files submitted to the hot folder. Any supported imposition file will be processed via the associated OutputImposition-VPS-Factory process template.
      Prinergy Evo supports PJTF and JDF imposition files, so only these file types will be processed by this process template.
    5. Click OK.
  4. Again in the Assign Process Template dialog box, add another output from imposition process template to the hot folder:
    1. In the New Hot Folder dialog box, click Add to select a second process template to associate with this hot folder.
    2. In the Assign Process Template dialog box, select an output from imposition process template that will create digital blueline proof output—for example, the process template you created in Activity 29.
    3. In the Template will be used to process area, select Files Matching This Criteria.
    4. In the File Type list, select Imposition Files.
    5. Click OK.
      The New Hot Folder dialog box now shows two process templates associated with the hot folder.
  5. In the Input Files area of the New Hot Folder dialog box, select Delete Only when Successfully Processed.
    You will have to determine what to do with files that fail to process.
  6. Click OK in the New Hot Folder dialog box.
    Prinergy Evo is now prepared to process any supported imposition file that is submitted to this hot folder. It will process these files simultaneously, via two output from imposition process templates. Prinergy Evo will then delete from the hot folder all files that it successfully processes.

Submit Imposition File for Multiple Outputs

  1. From your shared file server volume, locate the new hot folder you created in the previous procedure.
  2. Locate an output-ready imposition file—for example, EvoITP_Fat.p0001_impo.jdf, created in Activity 28.
  3. Drag the imposition file (and marks file, if necessary) to your new hot folder.
  4. Monitor processing in Process Viewer. 
    Prinergy Evo checks the type of file submitted to the hot folder. Since JDF is a supported imposition file type, the system submits the imposition file to both process templates associated with the hot folder. You will see messages in Process Viewer indicating the processing status of the file via both process templates.
  5. When the process is finished, open the hot folder you used for this procedure and locate the file you submitted:
    • Note that the imposition file and its associated PDF marks file have been deleted from the root input folder and moved to the Input_Success folder. 
    • If the file failed, you can find it in the Input_Error folder.
  6. Locate your completed imposition proof output:
    1. Collect the reader-order pages created according to the specifications in your output process template.
    2. Locate and open the imposed Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software files.
      You will find these files in the Output folder in your hot folder.

Experiment With Input File Types

Remember that when you configured your new hot folder, you set criteria for the process templates that allowed each to process only imposition files. In this procedure, experiment with what happens when you submit another file type to the hot folder. 

  1. Locate a PDF digital master file—for example, EvoITP_Fat.1A.PDF.
    This is a PDF layout or flat you created in Activity 27 by using the Layout options in an output PDF process template. If you did not complete Activity 27, locate another PDF digital master file—for example, EvoITP_Fat.p0001.pdf. This is a a single PDF page.
  2. Submit the PDF digital master file to the new hot folder.
  3. Monitor Process Viewer for messages.
  4. Open the hot folder on your shared file server volume, and look for the PDF file you submitted. 
    If you are using Prinergy Evo, you should find the file in the Input_Unmatched folder. Prinergy Evo moves the file here because the file type does not match the criteria you specified when you created the new hot folder. Unless the file is a supported PJTF or JDF imposition file, Prinergy Evo hot folders do not recognize it as an imposition file. Because Prinergy Evo did not process the file via any process template, there are no messages in Process Viewer.
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