Prinergy Evo supports remakes of output processes. In order for Prinergy Evo to resubmit processes from the Process Viewer, the output process template attached to the process must have the Copy input files and enable Process Remake check box selected in the Device section.

When the Copy input files and enable Process Remake check box is selected, Prinergy Evo makes a copy of all the input files in the process and copies them to the JobData/ProcessRemakeData folder. You can change the default location for remake files in the Data Retention dialog box.

When you resubmit the process to the system, Prinergy Evo automatically checks that you have a process remake license. If licensed, the system checks the process remake subfolder for the input files and submits them for processing. When you resubmit the process, you can change the applied process template as long as it is the same type of process template.

When the process storage duration ends, the original copied process remake files are removed from the system. This means that if you remake, remade processes, those processes are also removed when the original process storage duration period ends because they are tied to the original copied remake input files.

The output files are saved in the same location that is defined in the output process template, Processed File Preferences section.

In the Created Files list in the Process Viewer, you can remake signatures, surfaces, or separations for all output process templates. When you select an element to be remade, Prinergy Evo remakes it using the original settings. For more information, see Understanding remake and resubmit.

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