Use the Preps PDF-to-PDF workflow.

Important: You can use only composite PDF files in a PDF-to-PDF workflow. For specific instructions on using Preps, see the Preps User Guide.
  1. On your Prinergy Evo client computer, mount the shared folder (for example, JobData) that contains your PDF files.

    The PDF pages must be in a folder or on a shared network volume on your Prinergy Evo server computer.

  2. Open the mounted work folder.
  3. Start Preps.
  4. From the File menu, select New Job > PDF > PDF.
  5. From your mounted work folder drag the PDF files that you want in your imposition layout to the Preps Run list section in reader order.
    Important: The PDF pages must be in a folder on which the Prinergy Evo server computer has read, write, and modify privileges.
  6. Add blank pages as necessary.
    Note: Adding blank pages in Preps can cause problems with Preps' marks, spot-color, automatic-mapping feature, because Preps puts those colors into the content spot color list instead of leaving them in the marks spot color list.
  7. If your PDF files are not in reader order, click Add Files, and individually add each PDF file you want linked to the imposition plan, or reorder the files within the Run List.
  8. In the Run list section, add your page geometry as required to each page.
  9. In the Signature Selection section, assign the signature template.
  10. In the Binding Style list, select the type of binding.
  11. Click Layout Details to assign your layout geometry, for example, offset margins and so on, to the sheet.
  12. From the File menu, select Fitting/Tiling.
  13. In the Fitting/Tiling dialog box, clear all check boxes, and set all values to 0.
  14. Set the remaining parameters as required.
  15. From the File menu, select Export.
  16. In the Export As list, select Adobe Job Ticket or JDF.
  17. In the Device list, select a device. See your Preps documentation for information on creating devices.
    Note: Preps software displays the device's PPD Model Name entry-- for example, Lotem 800 Quantum-- instead of the PPD name.
  18. In the Specify Export Range area, Range box, type the range of signatures you want to output.
  19. Set the remaining parameters as required.
  20. Click Export.
  21. In the Save as dialog box, select a location and enter a file name in the dialog box when it is displayed. The generated files must be saved in a location that the Prinergy Evo server computer can access.
    One file is created (filename.jt.pjtf or filename.jdf), which is the job ticket (imposition plan).
    If you are exporting as JDF you will get a second file, filename.pdf, which contains the marks information.


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