In Prinergy Evo, you have two imposition workflows. You can:

  • Create populated imposition files from qualified imposition software and submit the populated PJTF or JDF files to Prinergy Evo software for output. See Creating and using imposition plans from qualified software
  • Automatically create a populated imposition plan in Prinergy Evo via the create imposition process template, and submit the JDF and marks files to Prinergy Evo for output.

The create imposition process template enables you to create a Preps imposition JDF. This is part of the automated basic imposition workflow in Prinergy Evo.

Prinergy Evo's automated basic imposition workflow requires you to set up your imposition templates, marks files, and printers in Preps. You can store the imposition templates and printers in a central location for use by all Preps users and the Prinergy Evo server by adding them to PgyEvoConfig\Preps\ on the Prinergy Evo server computer. You can configure the location that Prinergy Evo points to the Preps configuration files by selecting System > Preps Folders within the Prinergy Evo Client software. Once you have created the Preps imposition templates and printers and located them where the Prinergy Evo server can access them, you can configure a create imposition process template with the desired Preps template and printer.

After you configure the create imposition plans process template and attach it to a submission channel, you can submit an ordered list of pages to this imposition process template submission channel. For hot folders, when you submit the pages, the files are sorted alphabetically. For template palettes, when you submit the pages, the files can be manually sorted before processing. You cannot manually add blank pages to the run list or adjust page rotations and offsets from this window.

After you submit the PDF files for processing, Prinergy Evo software outputs a JDF imposition file with a marks file. If you submit separated PDF files, Prinergy Evo software outputs a marks PostScript file (. ps ), which you must then refine to PDF. If you submit composite PDF files, Prinergy Evo outputs a marks PDF file. During output, submit the JDF file to an output imposition process template. If submitting via a hotfolder, submit both the JDF and the PDF marks file.

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