At the top of the process template is the Generate list, which you use to select type of PDF to generate during the refine process. The choices are:
- PDF/X-1a:2001
- PDF/X-3:2002
The refine process template contains several sections. Each section defines a subprocess of the refine process.
- CEPS Conversion section of the Refine process template
- Fonts and Images section of the Refine process template
- Normalize section of the Refine process template
- PDF Preflight section of the Refine process template
- Copydot section of the Refine process template
- Spot Color Handling section of the Refine process template
- ColorConvert section of the Refine process template
- Trap section of the Refine process template
- Optimize section of the Refine process template
- Thumbnail section of the Refine process template
- Impose section of the Refine process template