The Fonts and Images section of a refine process template controls image replacement (PDF OPI) and font handling in PostScript, EPS, and PDF input files during the normalizing step of the refine process.
Image Replacement
Standard OPI Image Links
Search for High-Resolution Images in Image Search Paths
Select this check box to direct Prinergy to request high-resolution images in image search paths.
This check box applies to PostScript or PDF files that contain OPI comments in low-resolution images generated by Asset Library.
If the image is not found, Prinergy either fails or continues with a warning, depending on what is selected in the Fail on Missing Images check box.
Asset Library Image Proxy Links
Search for High-Resolution Images in Asset Library
Select this check box to direct Prinergy to request high-resolution images from Asset Library, an integrated asset management system that enables you to easily manage a job's digital assets, such as images and text.
This check box applies to PostScript or PDF files that contain OPI comments in low-resolution images generated by Asset Library.
If the image is not found, Prinergy either fails or continues with a warning, depending on what is selected in the If Asset Library Image Not Found list.
History Logging
Use this list to determine whether History view displays messages about images found in Asset Library and how much detail is provided. Choose:
- Verbose to list the name of the PDF page that contains an Asset Library image and the name of the image. The list includes one line per image found.
- Normal to list the name of the PDF page that contains an Asset Library image, the number of images on the page, and the name of the first image. The list includes one line per PDF page.
- Terse to list the name of the input file, the number of PDF pages that contain Asset Library images, and the total number of images. The list includes one line per input file.
- None if you do not want History view to display messages about Asset Library images.
If Asset Library Image Not Found
Determines whether a page fails when Prinergy cannot find an image in Asset Library for OPI. The options are:
- Warn & Search in Image Search Paths
- Fail Page
This list applies only when Search For High-Resolution Images in Asset Library is selected.
Image Search Path Options
Search for Subfolders
Select this check box to have Prinergy automatically search through the subfolders for images for an OPI image swap. Searches the subfolders in alphabetical order and all immediate subfolders are searched first before looking deeper.
Earlier versions of Prinergy required you to specify each folder that contained images for the OPI image swap. This could be a lot of work if you organize images into many different folders. Now, while looking for a matching image, you can instruct the system to search through subfolders.
If the option is selected, Prinergy searches the subfolders in alphabetical order and searches all immediate subfolders are searched first before looking deeper. The following diagram shows the search order if the search path was set to the folder images. The numbers indicate the order in which the OPI engine encounters each file as it searches through the subfolders.
If the OPI engine is looking for the image fish.tif
it will find file number 5 inside the hires
folder after searching the root folder (the images
folder) and after searching the don
folder. If the OPI engine is looking for the image logo.eps
, it will find file number 2 rather than number 4.
Users are advised to consider that different images with the same file name might be discovered by the search algorithm in unexpected ways. The example contains two images named logo.eps
and this ambiguity could cause bad results. Users are advised to check the refined pages carefully if there is any doubt.
Recursive searching can take a long time if Prinergy has to search many subfolders. Performance of refine processing may be affected: be cautious when using this feature with search paths pointing to large disks.
Skip Images With These Suffixes
If this check box is selected, OPI image replacement will not be done for images with suffixes that are specified in this box (for example, .tiff
, .jpg
, .jpeg
This option is useful when there are high-resolution TIFF files and low-resolution FPO (for placement only) files on the same PDF page.
Fail on Missing Images
Available when the Search for High-Resolution Images in Image Search Paths check box is selected.
Fails the normalize process when OPI can't locate an image.
When you enable this feature, Prinergy produces an error message when OPI can't find an image for the input file. Prinergy fails to produce a PDF file due to the missing image, and displays an error message and/or icon ( ) in three places: in the Active Processes pane in Job Manager, in the Process Info dialog box, and on the History view in Job Manager.
When you disable this feature, Prinergy displays a warning message or icon ( ) in the above locations when it can't find an image for the input file. Prinergy still produces a PDF file, but it is missing an image.
Image Attributes
Apply Clipping Path in Photoshop TIFFs
Select this check box to use the clipping path directly from Adobe Photoshop TIFF images.
Note: If the source file is not designed to use the clipping path from the Photoshop TIFF, unintended image clipping can occur. Check the refined files carefully if there is any doubt.
Clear this check box to ignore the clipping path set in Photoshop TIFF images.
Include Spot Channels in Photoshop TIFFs
Includes the spot color channels in addition to the CMYK channels during OPI image replacement.
When this check box is selected, the OPI engine merges the CMYK color channels with all spot color channels to produce a single, multichannel DeviceN image. Further refine processing such as color matching and trapping will function correctly for these images. When this check box is cleared, all of the spot color channels in the image file are ignored.
Spot color channels are created and edited using the Channels palette. Note that although Adobe Photoshop includes the name of the spot color channel, it does not include the recipe. Users should select the Lookup Recipe in Color Database option in the Spot Color Handling section of the refine process template to get an accurate color recipe for proper color matching and trapping.
Be aware that Adobe InDesign software will not omit TIFF files for OPI that contain spot colors, even when OPI is selected in the Print dialog box. One workaround is to place a plain CMYK TIFF proxy image first, generate PostScript from InDesign software including the OPI comments (but omitting images), and then put the TIFF file containing the desired spot color channels into the search directories.
Image Transparency
Create Soft Masks from Photoshop TIFF Alpha Channels
Creates effects such as feathered edges or soft silhouettes during OPI image replacement.
Normal clipping paths cannot produce this effect. Clipping paths give only a hard edge to the image. Soft masks may give either a hard or soft edge, depending on the design of the mask.
When enabled, the OPI engine looks inside the Adobe Photoshop TIFF for an alpha channel to be used to create a soft mask for the source image. If more than one alpha channel is present, the first one is used and the remaining alpha channels are ignored. When this check box is cleared, all the alpha channels are ignored.
Note: This should not be confused with the Photoshop masking or transparency features that are part of the Layers palette. Alpha channels are created and edited using the Channels palette.
This feature is similar to the built-in capabilities of Adobe InDesign, although it will work with QuarkXPress software or any software that will generate OPI comments.
Make Drop Shadow Images Transparent
Select this check box to insert images into a layout that is intended as a drop shadow for a second image that is placed on top of the shadow image.
When this feature is enabled and the image is identified as a drop shadow, the OPI engine applies the transparency blend effect automatically. The image file names must use a special extension that identifies them as drop-shadow images, rather than normal (non-drop-shadow) images.
Transparent Drop Shadow Image Name Suffix
Sets the special extension for drop shadow images versus normal images. The default extension is .shd
. The value cannot be blank.
Low Resolution Image Handling
Determines the system's response to low-resolution images. The of Contone Resolution Below (ppi) box and the of Bitmap Resolution Below (ppi) box determine which images are considered low resolution.
Select Ignore low resolution images when you want the system to continue processing regardless of the image quality. No warning messages are generated. When this option is selected, the of Contone Resolution Below (ppi) box and the of Bitmap Resolution Below (ppi) box are unavailable.
Select Warn for low resolution images when you want the system to display a warning message/icon ( ) when the resolution is less than the values indicated in the of Contone Resolution Below (ppi) box and the of Bitmap Resolution Below (ppi) box, but to continue processing.
Select Fail on low resolution images when you want the system to display an error message/icon ( ) when the resolution is less than the values indicated in the of Contone Resolution Below (ppi) box and the of Bitmap Resolution Below (ppi) box, and to stop processing. The system produces a PDF file, but a large, black X covers the PDF content.
of Contone Resolution Below (ppi)
The system handles contone images with resolutions below this value with the action specified for low-resolution images in the Low Resolution Image Handling box.
of Bitmap Resolution Below (ppi)
The system handles bitmap images with resolutions below this value with the action specified for low-resolution images in the Low Resolution Image Handling box.
Prinergy can only embed missing fonts when the input file is PostScript or EPS. If Refining to PDF/X-1a:2001, Prinergy can also embed fonts if the source files are PDF.
Fail on Missing Fonts
Select to have the system fail the refine to PDF process when it can't find a font. When the system can't find a font in either the input file or in a search path specified in the Font Search Path dialog box, it produces a PDF file with a large, black X covering the content, and an error message and icon appear in the Processes pane and in the History view.
If you clear this check box, a warning message and icon appear in the Processes pane and History view when the system can't find fonts in either the input file or in a search path specified in the Font Search Path dialog box. The system still produces a PDF file, but the content is missing fonts.
In both cases if the process template has the Try Emulation First check box selected, the system tries to synthesize the missing font using Adobe's SuperATM Font Library. If the process template has the Try Emulation First check box cleared, or the system was unable to simulate the missing font, the it uses the font specified in the Default Font box (the system default is Courier).
Default Font
Type the name of the default font that you want Prinergy to use as a substitute for missing fonts. The recommended setting is to leave the box empty.
If no font is specified Prinergy uses Courier font as a substitute.
Prinergy uses the default font when:
- A font is not embedded in the PostScript file
- A font is not installed (when you installed the Normalizer JTP)
- A font can't be found in a font search path
- The Try Emulation First check box is not selected, or Prinergy could not synthesize the font
Try Emulation First
Enables synthetic font substitution. When an input file's missing fonts are part of Adobe's SuperATM Font Library, Prinergy can construct synthetic fonts using Adobe's MultipleMaster font technology. However, when missing fonts are not part of Adobe's SuperATM Font Library, Prinergy uses the default font specified in the Default Font box.
Therefore, if Prinergy discovers a missing font and the process template has the Try Emulation First check box selected, Prinergy tries to simulate the missing font using Adobe's SuperATM Font Library. If the process template has the Try Emulation First check box cleared, or Prinergy was unable to simulate the missing font, Prinergy uses the font specified in the Default Font box (the system default is Courier).
The recommended setting is Cleared.
Remove Font XUIDs
XUID stands for extended unique ID, which is a font characteristic introduced with Normalizer 6.
Select this check box to remove font XUIDs if you are refining files that may be exported and ripped on systems that use the 3011 RIP (Prinergy or earlier) or other older RIPs.
If left unchecked, the older RIP may crash in some circumstances.
Use System Fonts
Select to use fonts installed on the system instead of the fonts embedded in the input files. If selected, the system fonts are embedded in the input file during the refine process.
If you select this option but the system does not have the same fonts as the input file, one of the following occurs:
- If the input file has embedded fonts, the refine process uses these embedded fonts instead.
- If the input file does not have embedded fonts, the refine process fails.
Note: This option does not work for Type3 fonts.
Override Resolution at 1200 dpi
Select this check box if you want to override the underlying resolution that the normalize function uses when refining files. This is required if you need to process low-resolution Asian fonts.