For the output from PDF, output from TIFF, output from imposition, and output from PostScript process templates, you can submit individual separations in the process by selecting Edit > Remake Separation by ID.

  1. Create or open an output from imposition, output from PostScript, output from PDF, or output from TIFF process template.
  2. In the Device section select the Copy Input Files and Enable Process Remake check box.
  3. For the output from imposition, output from PostScript, output from PDF, or output from TIFF process templates, using the Slugline Mark box in the Layout section of the Process Template Editor, you can specify information about the output, such as the job name, output date, and remake ID. 
  4. Save the process template and close it.
  5. On the plate you created, write down the unique number that appears in the location of the variable mark.
  6. To remake a plate, in the Process Viewer, from the Edit menu, select Remake Separation by ID.
  7. Type the unique plate ID in the Remake Separation by ID dialog box, and click Remake.

Prinergy Evo software initiates the remake process. If Prinergy Evo software cannot find the plate ID, it displays an error message.

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