Important - Please remove the License key & License ID from Prinergy Evo 8.x Administrator and write down the License ID Number before upgrading to Evo 9.x and above version. You do not need to do this if upgrading from Evo 9.x to Evo 10.x and above version. Please follow the steps on Retrieving license keys.

When installing the Prinergy Evo Client/Server system, you need to first install the Prinergy Evo Server software on the server computer or Kodak-supplied VM image and the Prinergy Evo Client software on all licensed client computers, and then connect the software.

For information on connecting and setting up your device and media parameters, see your output device documentation.

Note: Prinergy Evo may be installed on Kodak-supplied base VM images, but is not available pre-installed on Kodak-supplied VM images.

To install the Prinergy Evo system

  1. Ensure that your Prinergy Evo client/server installation prerequisites have been met.
  2. Attach your output device to the Prinergy Evo server computer. For more information, see your device documentation.
  3. Please install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 prior to installing the Prinergy Evo Server software.
  4. On the Prinergy Evo server computer, enter your Prinergy Evo License ID as part of the installation process (if it is not already entered).
  5. Configure the Prinergy Evo Server software. For information on configuring your Server software, see the Prinergy Evo System Administration Guide.
  6. Install the Prinergy Evo Client software.
  7. Start the Prinergy Evo Client software to connect to the Prinergy Evo Server software.
  8. Familiarize yourself with the software using the Prinergy Evo User Guide. Open Prinergy Evo Client and Go to Help > Prinergy Evo Tutorials Under “Prinergy Evo Support and resources” • Training activities – “What are my training options” • Demo videos – “Show Me Demonstrations”
  9. Configure the Prinergy Evo Client software.

See the Prinergy Evo User Guide for more information on defining your Prinergy Evo system and processing parameters.
Important: Hot folders and input files must reside in folders on which the Prinergy Evo Server software has read, write, and modify privileges in order for Prinergy Evo software to process the input files.

  • Run a test file to make sure the client and server computers are connected properly.

Ports required for Evo:

Port Number





Eclipse- Evo Admin


Eclipse- Evo Client and Preflight

49100 - 49102

Orbacus connection for daemons


ColorFlow Server




Diagview daemon, diagview


Diagview daemon, diagview


Floating License Manager


Floating License Manager