The Kodak Plate Control Strip (KPCS) file is provided in several configurations. If the particular combination of sizes you need has not been provided, you can create your own custom file.

You can edit KPCS_EDIT_FOR_CUSTOM_STRIP.eps using any text editor. Take care not to alter anything below the User Configuration Section, which is written in encrypted ASCII.


The preconfigured KPCS files are all in a horizontal orientation, because most users will place the strip horizontally in the clamp area of the plate. However, if you want to place the strip in a vertical orientation on the plate, you can rotate the strip during imposition or you can configure your custom file to a vertical orientation, as follows:

  1. Download KPCS_EDIT_FOR_CUSTOM_STRIP.eps and open it in a text editor.
  2. In the User Configuration Section, locate this line:
    /Orientation (H) def
  3. Change it to:
     /Orientation (V) def
  4. Near the start of the file, locate the lines:
    %%BoundingBox: 0 0 480 36
    %%HiResBoundingBox: 0 0 480.0 36.0
  5. Change them to:
    %%BoundingBox: 0 0 36 480
    %%HiResBoundingBox: 0 0 36.0 480.0


You can specify a particular resolution to be used in the reference areas of the Plate Control Strip. Usually, this will be the device resolution, which is the same resolution that the RIP is using. Select a particular resolution as shown in the next section. Or, you can specify that the KPCS file detects and uses the current RIP resolution.

  1. In the User Configuration Section, locate the line:
    /Resolution 2400 def
  2. Change 2400 to any of the following numbers:
    • 1016, 1200, 1270, 2400, 2540, or 3200 (interpreted as dots per inch)
    • 40, 47.2, 50, 94.5, 100, or 126 (interpreted as dots per mm)
    • 0 (which will detect and use the current RIP resolution)


The KPCS file specifies a particular screening type and size to be used in the reference screen areas of the Plate Control Strip. For subsequent measurements and comparisons on the plate, you will want this to be close to the screening that the RIP is using. The table shows the possible combinations of supported screen type and screen number for each resolution. You specify the reference screening as follows:

  1. From the table, choose values for ScreenType and ScreenNumber
  2. In the User Configuration Section, locate the lines:
    /ScreenType (I) def
    /ScreenNumber 175 def
  3. Change I to your chosen ScreenType
  4. Change 175 to your chosen ScreenNumber.

The screening you configure here will not affect the Requested Screening section of the Plate Control Strip. See Tone Scales.

Resolution dpi (dpmm)


I = AM screen in lpi
M = AM screen in lpcm
ST = Staccato screen 

1016 (40)I85, 100, 133 lpi
M34, 39, 52 lpcm
1200 (47.2)I85, 100, 133 lpi
M34, 39, 52 lpcm
ST25, 36
1270 (50)I85, 100, 133 lpi
M34, 39, 52 lpcm
ST25, 36
2400 (94.5)I133, 150, 175, 200, 240 lpi
M52, 59, 69, 79, 95 lpcm
ST10, 20, 25, 36
2540 (100)I133, 150, 175, 200, 240 lpi
M52, 59, 69, 79, 95 lpcm
ST10, 20, 25, 36
3200 (126)I150, 175, 200, 240 lpi
M59, 69, 79, 95 lpcm
ST10, 20, 25
  • No labels