You can use layout or imposition software to place the Plate Control Strip and then use workflow software to process the resulting files.


  • Do not open or modify the Plate Control Strip in any graphics program that might resample its contents. 
  • Do not scale the Plate Control Strip. This will destroy its copydot elements. Use the image at its full size.


When using Artwork Systems ArtPro layout software, you must place the Plate Control Strip. Because the Plate Control Strip does not contain a preview, in the layout it will appear blank but on the plate it will appear as expected. Do not use the Import command to make it available to the software because the Plate Control Strip will become corrupted when processed through the workflow.


If you use Adobe Illustrator software to place the Plate Control Strip in a page layout, place it as a link only and include linked files when you save the Illustrator output. The area in the Plate Control Strip will appear blank. You will need to use the selection tool to reveal its outline.


If you use Adobe InDesign software, you must place the Plate Control Strip. The software will attempt to build a preview, but will fail and report the following error, which you can ignore: Do not parse with Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop or Distiller 4 or earlier. Linework resampling artifacts may result. For use with Illustrator place as a link.

Preps and Pandora

Place the Plate Control Strip in Kodak Preps digital imposition software or Pandora software as you would any other imposition mark file. If you want to place the file in a vertical orientation and your imposition software can’t rotate marks, you can configure a custom KPCS file in vertical orientation. See Configuring a KPCS File.


If you use QuarkXPress software to place the Plate Control Strip on a test page, place it as you would any graphic file.

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