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Note: PLA requires artwork and die files that can be accessed from a valid UNC path. Make sure that the activity files referenced are on a network volume.

  1. Start Packaging Layout Automation Manager if it is not running yet.
  2. In the Status tab, click the New icon, and select a layout type that you want. In this case, select Demo. Click OK.
    A New Layout editor opens.
  3. In the Job Name box, type a name for the Prinergy job: XX_PLA2 (where XX is your initials).
  4. In the Layout Name box, type a name for the layout: XX_Layout1.
  5. In the Artwork area, click Add, and locate the Hawaii.p1.pdf file. Click Open.
  6. In the Work Style menu, select Single Sided.
  7. In the Die area, click the Browse button. Locate the die file Hawaii.cf2, and click Open. Then, click Auto Assign and continue to auto-assign Hawaii.p1.pdf to all empty positions of this layout.
  8. In the Substrate (Press Sheet) area, click the Browse button. Select a press sheet 20 x 20 in (If it is not available, make sure that you select one that is at least as big as the 20 x 20 in dimensions) and click OK.
  9. To determine if the data that you entered passes validation, click the Validate icon.
    The validation rules are created by your administrator. If the layout passes validation, the message: Information: Validation completed successfully appears.
  10. Click the Send to Prinergy icon.
    • Monitor your layout ticket in the Status column, which indicates the current status in the creation process.
    A job is created in Workshop containing the new layout. 
    Note: If you want to save the layout data without sending to Prinergy, click the Save to File icon, and save the file to your designated folder. To open the saved file, click the Open icon in Layout Automation Manager, locate the layout ticket (XML file), select it, and click Open.
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