Use the Move Job Data to or from Alternate Storage sample rule set to archive job folders or retrieve job folders from storage without using Prinergy Archiver software. You must create the custom fields in Workshop first.

What the rule does

Looks at custom fields in the job to determine whether the job is online (active) or offline (stored). If the job is online, the folders are moved to the storage location provided in the parameters. If the job is offline, the folders are moved back to the active Prinergy system. When the move is completed, the status of the custom field is changed—for example, if the job folders have been moved to storage, the custom field is changed from online to offline.

Why it is useful

Automates the common task of job storage and retrieval.

Events and actions used




Manual Trigger


Copy Or Move Files
Set Custom Fields

Tip: In Rule Builder, you can search for a specific event or action by clicking anywhere on the EventsFlow, or Actions tabs, and typing the name.

Key parameters

Event or action



Locate the custom field for Online/Offline status—for example, Job > Custom Fields > OnlineOrOffline. Specify that the value must be Online (Equals Online).

Copy Or Move Files

Drag two Copy Or Move Files actions to the workspace.
Place one action on the Yes result of the Branch event (the job is online).

  • Set the Files to move parameter to the job home location.
  • Set the Destination Directory parameter to a storage directory (computername/sharename/OfflineFoldername).

Place one action on the No result of the Branch event (the job is offline).

  • Set the Files to move parameter to the custom field for Offline Location.
  • set the Destination Directory to the job home location.

You can use UNC, FTP, or HTTP directories.
For source and destination locations, provide the user authentication required for access to the files. If the user name, password, and domain are left blank, RBA uses the Prinergy account.

Set Custom Fields

If the files were moved offline by the Copy Or Move Files action, perform the following steps:

  • Select Job > Custom Fields > Offline Location.
  • Select Job > Custom Fields > OnlineOrOffline. In the Value box, type Offline.

If the files were moved online by the Copy Or Move Files action, select Job > Custom Fields > OnlineOrOffline. In the Value box, type Online.

Where to enable it

This rule is suitable for enabling across the system.

Other Considerations

You must have two job-level custom fields set up in Workshop, one for Online/Offline status and one for Offline Location.

  1. In Workshop, select Tools > Custom Fields Manager, and click Add.
  2. In the Name box, type OnlineOrOffline.
  3. In the Type box, select Text.
  4. In the Default value box, type Online.
  5. Click Add.
  6. In Custom Fields Manager, click Add .
  7. In the Name box, type OfflineLocation.
  8. In the Type box, select Text.
  9. In the Default value box, type the UNC path to the storage location: //computername/sharename/OfflineFoldername.
  10. Click Add.


See also

Creating a basic rule set