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With Packaging Layout Automation, you can:

  • Set up Prinergy to automatically create a packaging layout when you enter layout information into a user-created form, or when a new job is added to your management information system (MIS).
  • Set up Packaging Layout Automation to validate the layout information on user-defined criteria.
  • Create unpopulated layouts.
  • Import manual edits made in Pandora to the layout without having to start Pandora.
  • Create a new layout based on an existing layout, and accept manual edits that were made to the original layout in Pandora to the new layout.
  • Use automatically sized substrates (press sheets) to help minimize the amount of wasted media and eliminate the need to manage the Kodak ShopMap.
  • Create substrates (press sheets) on the fly, eliminating the step of creating the substrates (press sheets) in ShopMap.
  • Import your existing resources from Pandora, including your substrate (press sheet) sizes, plates, and marks.

For more information, see the Prinergy Powerpack Workflow 7.5 Workshop User Guide.

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