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  1. In the Rule Builder dialog box, on the Events tab, navigate to the Input File Events section and drag the Input File Added event to the Rule Builder workspace.
    RBA automatically adds an Action? placeholder icon.
  2. On the Actions tab, navigate to the Input File Actions section and drag the Refine Input File action to the Action? icon.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Double-click the red line between the event and the action, or
    • Right-click the red line between the event and the action and select Edit Rule.
  4. In the Rule Parameters Editor, click the red text Enter a Value beside Process template path, and then click the browse [...] button on the right end of the row.
  5. In the Parameter Value dialog box, browse to and select the 1stRef-Normz process template. Click OK.
  6. Click OK to close the Rule Parameters Editor.
    Note that the red connecting line is now turned to green.
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