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After you or another user adds an annotation to an image, you can set the approval status for the annotation.

Requirements: You must have a job role that includes the Annotate right.

Set the approval status when you review all of the annotations added during a group review session and decide which of the requested changes will be made to the page.

You can set the approval status for text and shape annotations only. You cannot set the approval status for guides, measurements, or color density readings.

  1. To approve or reject an annotation:
    1. Click the annotation or hover your cursor over an annotation in the Annotations panel and select the status:
      • Approve: You want the requested change to be made.
      • Reject: You do not want the requested change to be made.
      • Hold: You have looked at the annotation but have not yet decided whether to approve or reject it. 
      Note: You can set the annotation status for multiple annotations at the same time; in the Annotations panel, select all the relevant annotations (using the Cmd (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows) key) and set their status.
    2. (Optional) Type a comment to associate with the annotation's status—for example, to explain why you selected a particular status.
    3. Click Done.
    The annotation's status appears in the Annotations panel

    In addition, in the main Smart Review window, a status icon , , or  appears on each annotation for which the Approved or Rejected or Hold status is set.

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