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Requirements: You must have a job role that includes the Upload right.

Upload files or folders that you want to add to jobs.

  1. In the Jobs area, click the job name.
  2. Click Upload Files.
  3. Attach the files or folders to upload. Perform the following actions:

    File uploader


    HTML5 Uploader 

    Note: The user's browser must support HTML5.

    1. In the Upload Files window, type the upload name of the files or folders.
      Note: HTML5 uploads do not support the use of certain characters in file names that are allowed by Mac OS, but are not allowed by Windows. These characters are: / \ * ? <
      If necessary, rename the files without these characters.
    2. (Optional) In the Notes box, type notes for this job. 
      If you add a note it appears in the Notes area in the Properties pane. 
    3. Add your files in one of the following ways: 
      • In your browser software, drag the files that you want to upload to the lower pane. 
      • Click add files  , locate, and select the files that you want to upload. 
    4. To remove files from the lower pane so that they are not uploaded, select the files and click remove files 
    5. When all files that you want to upload are listed in the lower pane, click Upload
      Note: If the browser that you are using enables you to upload folders, an icon of a folder appears next to the + and - buttons. Currently, the Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox browsers support uploading of folders. 
      Note: The warnings are for your information only; you can safely ignore the warnings. 
      Important: If an error appears, there is a problem with the file, and the system cannot process it. You must fix the error and upload the file again. 
    6. In the Upload dialog box, click Close.
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