Note: Do not use this procedure if you create an imposition from a layout application instead of from a proper imposition application. (For example, if you use QuarkXPress software with the INposition Xtension to output a single Adobe PostScript file with the imposition or layout parameters embedded.) When you do this, the output is treated as a loose page (albeit a very large one) instead of as an imposition that references a number of pages. Instead, perform the procedure for Configuring Prinergy Evo for refine and output.

Use the Template Palette to edit which signatures, surfaces, or separations you output.

  1. Create a PDF from the input file. 
    • If you have a Refine to PDF standard workflow license, you can do this using any submission channel with a refine to PDF process template attached.
    • If you do not have a refine to PDF standard workflow license, use qualified PostScript Distiller software (for example, Adobe Distiller software) to distill your PostScript to PDF.
  2. Configure Prinergy Evo for imposed output to proof or plate.
    See Configuring Prinergy Evo for high-resolution output.
  3. If licensed, configure a create imposition plan in Prinergy Evo.
    See Outputting automatic imposition plans.
  4. If not licensed, in Preps, create a PDF to PDF or a Preps mixed file - PostScript, imposition plan and assign your PDF pages to the Printer's spread template.
    Alternatively from SignaStation software create an imposition plan and assign the required PDF pages to the Printer's spread:
  5. Submit the resulting PJTF or JDF and Marks.pdf (for mixed file, Postscript only) to Prinergy Evo for output using a submission channel (that is, hot folders or the Template Palette). See Submitting files.

For Preps PDF to PDF imposition plans, the marks are embedded in the PJTF files, so you only need to copy the PJTF file to the submission channel.

If you are submitting the process using hot folders, copy both the PJTF (populated portable job ticket format) or JDF file and marks PDF file into the output from imposition hot folder.

If you are submitting using the Template Palette, copy only the PJTF or JDF file to the output imposition template palette. You do not need to submit the marks PDF file.

The Prinergy Evo server computer must have read, write, and modify privileges on the folder from which you submit input files to Prinergy Evo. It is a best practice to put your input files into the shared JobData folder on the Prinergy Evo server computer and mount them from your Prinergy Evo client computer.

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