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JTPs can be grouped into several types of JTP pools.


JTP Pool Type



Converts Brisque CT/LW and TIFF/IT P1 pages to composite PDF 1.3 output

Color Match

Generates data for color-matching proofs to final output


Optimizes copydot files for output


Generates a layered PDF 1.5 file from a group of refined PDF 1.3 files. Used by the Prinergy Layered PDF Versioning system.


Exports all or part of a job to a compressed file for import into another Prinergy system. Also imports imposition plans, populated job tickets (imposition plans with job pages already assigned to page positions), and compressed files exported from Page Assigner.


Converts PostScript language files to PDF and performs font management and font handling


Optimizes PDF files into digital masters that are suitable for print and checks conditions such as compression and downsampling

PostScript Level 3

Enables Prinergy to output jobs and files in the PostScript 3 file format

Proofing Device (256MB)

Creates low-resolution output to file

Proofing Device (512MB)

Creates high-resolution output to file

Proofing Device Extended

Creates high-resolution output to file


Outputs loose pages to the continuous tone/line work (CT/LW) format for processing and printing in the Brisque workflow system and other workflow systems


Performs trapping in Prinergy

Vector Output

Creates output in vector DCS format

Insite Proofing Device (256MB)

Creates low-resolution output that is suitable for proofing in InSite

Insite Color Match

Generates data for color-matching proofs to InSite

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