If a rule set begins with a Manual Trigger event, you can start the rule set manually in Job Manager or Job Finder by dragging jobs or job elements (such as input files) onto the rule set.
- Select an element that applies to the first action in the rule set:
- If the first action applies to an entire job, or is a system action such as Email, either select the Job icon in Job Manager, or select one or more jobs in Job Finder.
- If the first action applies to job elements, such as input files, select the elements in Job Manager.
- Start the rule set in the same way that you start a process template. Perform one of the following actions:
- Drag the selected jobs or job elements to the rule set in the Process Templates pane, or right-click the rule set and select Start Processing. In the Process Templates pane, rule sets appear under Automation: Enabled Rules, and the icon identifies rule sets that you can start manually.
- Select Process > Enabled Rules, and select the rule set name.
Tip: The highest level group for rule sets is either All Jobs for system rule sets or Job <JobName> for job rule sets. All other groups reflect the rule set groups in Rule Set Manager.
Tip: You can also drop files into a hot folder to trigger rule sets that start with a Job Hot Folder Drop event, which are identified by the icon.