This topic applies only when you are importing impositions. If you are importing a job, see Import process template (jobs).
Two types of process templates are available for importing: ImportAll and ImportJobIncremental. To import impositions use the ImportAll process template.

Import section

Select this check box to enable the Import section of the import process template.
It determines how Prinergy imports impositions, exported jobs, and exported job files.


Select a JTP to use for importing.
Note: You set up JTPs using Prinergy Administrator.

If Page Set Already Exists

Determines what happens if a page set with the same name already exists.
Note: When importing an imposition plan via a hot folder, choose any option except Keep existing page set and imposition.

The options are:

    • Fail import: Stops the import process.
    • Delete existing page set and imposition: Replaces the existing page set and imposition with the page set and imposition being imported.
    • Create alternate page set and imposition: Creates a new page set and links it to the imposition plan, without affecting the existing page set or its assignments. This is the default in the ImportAll process template.
    • Keep existing page set and create new imposition: Retains the original page set and links it to the new imposition. The imported and existing sets must have the same number of positions. Selecting this option enables the check boxes in the Page Sets Options area of the import process template.
    • Keep existing page set and imposition: Retains the existing page set and imposition. The imported and existing sets must have the same number of positions. This is the default in the ImportJobIncremental process template. Selecting this option enables the check boxes in the Page Sets Options area of the import process template.

Page Set Options

A set of check boxes that specify how to handle page assignments in an existing page set when the new imposition is linked to that page set. The check boxes are:

    • Existing assignments replaced by new assignments: Prinergy replaces the old page assignments with the new page assignments in the imported file. In the ImportIncremental process template, this check box is selected by default.
    • Existing assignments replaced by new unassignments: Prinergy removes page assignments from pages that are not assigned (blank) in the imported file. When this check box is selected, the other two check boxes in Page Set Options are automatically selected.
    • Existing unassigned replaced by new assignment: Prinergy retains existing assignments and applies any new assignments from the imported job or populated PJTF to any unassigned positions in the existing page set. This check box is always selected.

The check boxes are available only if the If Page Set Already Exists list is set to either Keep existing page set and create new imposition or Keep existing page set and imposition.
These check boxes are especially important when you want to manually assign pages to a page set and then link the page set to multiple imposition plans.

Set Initial Separations After Imposition Import

In the imposition software, you may inadvertently add marks that contain separations that are not present in the content of the refined pages.

    • Select this check box when you want Prinergy to ignore the additional separations in the marks.
    • Clear this check box when you want Prinergy to show the additional colors in the marks.

Important: Clear this check box if you are doing color mapping in the imposition software. Otherwise, Prinergy may ignore your color mapping changes.

Overwrite Existing Automated Page Assignment File

Select this check box if you want Prinergy to overwrite the existing APA file and use the assignments specified in the job you are importing.

Continue Job Import if CRC Error Found

Select this check box when you want Prinergy to skip any files with CRC errors without failing the import. The names of the files with errors are logged in the History view, so you can correct and reimport these files into the job.

Do Auto Page Assignment After Unpopulated Imposition Import

Select this check box when you want Prinergy to perform APA assignment and allow pages to be automatically assigned whether they have been refined before or after an imposition import.
Important: Do not select this check box unless you have an APA file with the assignments that you want applied to the selected page set. Any existing assignments are deleted if you have an empty or invalid APA file and this check box is selected.
If you clear this check box, pages can NOT be automatically assigned if they have been processed before an unpopulated imposition import (or before a page set is created).

Center Pages in Imposition

(For imposition imports only)
Specify the placement of each PDF page trim box (or media box) within its assigned imposition trim box during the job import.

The options are:

    • Honor Existing—preserves the existing placement of each PDF page (centered or not centered) when the job is imported.
    • Centered—each PDF page trim box is centered within its imposition trim box. You can then reassign pages to different positions without worrying about the image shifts caused by different trim box sizes on different PDF pages.
    • Not Centered—each PDF page trim box is positioned in the lower-left corner of its imposition trim box.

Signature ID Code area


Type a series of tags such as %jobname<n>%%imposition<n>%%version<n>%%signature<n>%%numsections%.
This overrides the default settings specified in Administrator.

Number of sections per signatures in one imposition

Type the total number of sections in each signature. For example, if you import an imposition with five signatures and signatures 2 and 5 each contains two sections, enter 1,2,1,1,2.
This overrides the default settings specified in Administrator.

Normalize for PDF Marks File section

Select this check box to enable the Normalize for PDF Marks Files section of the import process template, which determines how Prinergy normalizes PDF marks files.


Select the job ticket processor you want to use for normalizing the marks files.
Note: You set up JTPs using Prinergy Administrator.

Remove Font XUIDs

XUID stands for extended unique ID, which is a font characteristic introduced with Normalizer 6.
Select this check box to remove font XUIDs if you are refining files that may be exported and ripped on systems that use the 3011 RIP (Prinergy or earlier) or other older RIPs.
If left unchecked, the older RIP may crash in some circumstances.

Normalize for PostScript Marks Files section


Select this check box to enable the Normalize for PostScript Marks Files section of the import process template, which determines how Prinergy normalizes PostScript marks files.


Select the job ticket processor you want to use for normalizing the marks files.
Note: You set up JTPs using Prinergy Administrator.


Do OPI Image Replacement

Select this check box to enable OPI, which replaces OPI comments with images from the defined search paths. Images can reside on any Windows NT server accessible on the network.
Note: Image search paths do not search subfolders, so be sure to add each subfolder specifically.

Fail on Missing Images

This check box applies only when OPI can't locate an image for the input file. You can select or clear this check box independently of the Do OPI Image Replacement check box.
Select this check box if you want Prinergy to fail the normalize process and not produce a PDF page.
Clear this check box if you want Prinergy to continue producing the PDF file with a missing image.

In either case Prinergy displays an error message or icon  in  Job Manager, in these locations:

      • In the Active Processes pane.
      • In the Process Info dialog box.
      • On the History view.

Low Resolution Image Handling

Determines what Prinergy does when images are lower than the resolutions specified in the Of Contone Resolution Below and the Of Bitmap Resolution Below. The options are:

      • Ignore low resolution images—does not display warning message and continues processing.
      • Warn for low resolution images—displays a warning message or icon , but continues processing.
      • Fail on low resolution images—stops processing and displays a warning message or icon . Prinergy produces a PDF covered by a large, black X.

Of Contone Resolution Below

Prinergy handles contone images with resolutions below this value with the action specified for low-resolution images in the Low Resolution Image Handling list.
This box is not available if Low Resolution Image Handling is set to Ignore low resolution images.

Of Bitmap Resolution Below

Prinergy handles bitmap images with resolutions below this value with the action specified for low-resolution images in the Low Resolution Image Handling list.
This box is not available if Low Resolution Image Handling is set to Ignore low resolution images.


Remove Font XUIDs

XUID stands for extended unique ID, which is a font characteristic introduced with Normalizer 6.
Select this check box to remove font XUIDs if you are refining files that may be exported and ripped on systems that use the 3011 RIP (Prinergy or earlier) or other older RIPs.
If this check box is cleared, the older RIP may crash in some circumstances.

Optimize for PostScript Marks Files section


Select this check box to enable the Optimize for PostScript Marks Files section of the import process template, which determines how Prinergy optimizes PostScript marks files.


Select a job ticket processor (JTP) to use for optimizing PostScript marks files.
Note: You set up JTPs using Prinergy Administrator.

Color Images


Select this check box to downsample images with a resolution above the value in the If Above box to the value set in the Down to box.
If you select the check box, select type of downsampling in the list. The options are:

      • Average—provides faster but less accurate downsampling.
      • Bicubic—provides slower but more accurate downsampling.

The Resample check box under Color Images applies only to color images. The Resample check box under Grayscale Images applies only to grayscale images.

Down to

Type the lowest resolution to which Prinergy downsamples images. The recommended setting is double the lpi value. For example, 400 ppi for 200 lpi, 300 ppi for 150 lpi, 170 ppi for 85 lpi.
The Down to box in the Color Images area applies to color images. The Down to box in the Grayscale Images area applies to grayscale images.
Note: The Down to and the if Above options are linked by ratio. This ratio is stored as an integer in each process template. When you open a process template, Prinergy calculates the if Above value from the Down to value and the stored ratio. When you change the if Above value, the Down to value stays the same, but the system rounds the if Above value to the nearest integer, according to the ratio between the two options.

if Above

Type the minimum resolution an image must be for Prinergy to downsample it.
The if Above box under Color Images applies to color images. The if Above box under Grayscale Images applies to grayscale images.
Note: The Down to and the if Above options are linked by ratio. This ratio is stored as an integer in each process template. When you open a process template, Prinergy calculates the if Above value from the Down to value and the stored ratio. When you change the if Above value, the Down to value stays the same, but the system rounds the if Above value to the nearest integer, according to the ratio between the two options.


Select a compression format for compressing images. The options are:

      • None—disables image compression.
      • JPEG (Lossy)—compresses images using a JPEG format.
      • ZIP (Lossless)—compresses images using the ZIP format.

The Compression list under Color Images applies to color images. The Compression list under Grayscale Images applies to grayscale images.


Applies only if the Compression list is set to JPEG (Lossy).
Select a level of compression. The compression level decreases as the quality level increases.
The Quality list under Color Images applies to color images. The Quality list under Grayscale Images applies to grayscale images.

Grayscale Images


Select this check box to downsample images with a resolution above the value in the If Above box to the value set in the Down to box.
If you select the check box, select type of downsampling in the list. The options are:

      • Average—provides faster but less accurate downsampling.
      • Bicubic—provides slower but more accurate downsampling.

The Resample check box under Color Images applies only to color images. The Resample check box under Grayscale Images applies only to grayscale images.

Down to

Type the lowest resolution to which Prinergy downsamples images. The recommended setting is double the lpi value. For example, 400 ppi for 200 lpi, 300 ppi for 150 lpi, 170 ppi for 85 lpi.
The Down to box in the Color Images area applies to color images. The Down to box in the Grayscale Images area applies to grayscale images.
Note: The Down to and the if Above options are linked by ratio. This ratio is stored as an integer in each process template. When you open a process template, Prinergy calculates the if Above value from the Down to value and the stored ratio. When you change the if Above value, the Down to value stays the same, but the system rounds the if Above value to the nearest integer, according to the ratio between the two options.

if Above

Type the minimum resolution an image must be for Prinergy to downsample it.
The if Above box under Color Images applies to color images. The if Above box under Grayscale Images applies to grayscale images.
Note: The Down to and the if Above options are linked by ratio. This ratio is stored as an integer in each process template. When you open a process template, Prinergy calculates the if Above value from the Down to value and the stored ratio. When you change the if Above value, the Down to value stays the same, but the system rounds the if Above value to the nearest integer, according to the ratio between the two options.


Select a compression format for compressing images. The options are:

      • None—disables image compression.
      • JPEG (Lossy)—compresses images using a JPEG format.
      • ZIP (Lossless)—compresses images using the ZIP format.

The Compression list under Color Images applies to color images. The Compression list under Grayscale Images applies to grayscale images.


Applies only if the Compression list is set to JPEG (Lossy).
Select a level of compression. The compression level decreases as the quality level increases.
The Quality list under Color Images applies to color images. The Quality list under Grayscale Images applies to grayscale images.

Import Raw Imposition Files section


Select Default if you use Preps Integration and you want to import raw imposition files, which include:

      • JDF stripping parameters (.jdf or .xml)
      • Preps .job files (from Preps or UpFront* software)

Do not select PrepPrinergy. This option is used by the internal Preps integration processes. (*UpFront is EOSL and no longer tested or supported).


Select the final output device on which this output is eventually to be printed.

Output Signatures

All or Partial

Select All to import all signatures in the imposition, or select Partial to import only some of the signatures in the imposition.
If you are importing only some of the signatures complete the remaining controls in the Output Signatures box.


Type the range of signatures that you want to import.
Use a dash to indicate a range of webs; follow each web range or individual web with a comma. For example, 1-7, 9, 12-14.


Select to import the Front, Back, or Front and Back of the selected objects.
For example if you are printing signatures and select Front, this control allows you to print all the front sides of the specified signatures.
If you are printing webs and select Front, this control allows you to print all the front sides of the specified webs.


Select All to import all webs or select Range to import only some of the webs.
If you are importing only some of the webs type the range of webs that you want to import in the Range box. Use a dash to indicate a range of webs; follow each web range or individual web with a comma. For example, 1-7, 9, 12-14.

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