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Create a rule that uses the Split action to prepare PDF preflight reports on individual pages and send an e-mail message to the CSR when each report is ready.

Selects a page, creates a PDF report for that page, and notifies the CSR that the report is ready. When the first report is done, a report is created for the second page. When the second report is done, a report is created for the third page, and so on until reports are done for all the pages.
The delay parameter is set to a duration that is longer than the rule will take to complete (for example, one hour). This ensures that the processing does not occur in parallel. Sequential processing is better for system performance and avoids potential conflicts when two processes occur at the same time.
Why is it useful?
A specific PDF report is created for each page and emailed as an attachment to the appropriate CSR.
Events and actions used
Event | Flow | Actions |
Page Set Created | Split Next | Create Preflight PDF Report Email |
Tip: In Rule Builder, you can search for a specific event or action by clicking anywhere on the Events, Flow, or Actions tabs, and typing the name.
Key parameters
Event or action | Parameter |
Create Preflight PDF Report | Pages: Select the location of the pages that require the preflight report |
Split | Items: Select the location of the page sets Items Per Group: The default is one Per Group Delay: the default is one |
Email | User name: Type the CSR's e-mail address Subject: Type a message to appear on the subject line of the e-mail (for example, Preflight report is ready ) |
Where to enable it
This rule is suitable for enabling either in specific jobs or across the system.
See also
Creating a basic rule set