Support for Windows Server 2022
InSite Creative Workflow 11.0 system is supported on Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Operating System.
Support for integration with InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 and MatchPrint Virtual 11.0
Integration with InSite Prepress Portal 11.0 and MatchPrint Virtual 11.0 is supported.
Two-factor authentication setting per customer
You can enable or disable two-factor authentication for login per customer.
Event Reports with date range
You can create Event Reports by specifying From/To date range
Multiple date formats support
Multiple date formats are available and you can select a certain date format to display dates on interface in preferred format.
User activity log enhancement
User activity log records more events, such as User Creation, Customer Creation, and Customer Deletion.
Security Enhancements and bug fixes
Fixed bugs in InSite Creative Workflow 11.0 - Please refer to the page for details.