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You created a Prinergy Refine or Prinergy Workflow Template upload processing rule, but the uploaded files do not refine as expected.
There are several possible causes:
- The Prinergy process template associated with the job is not a refine process template.
- The following settings are incorrect in the InSite Administration software, under Configuration Settings > Upload Processing. The Automatically Process Uploaded Files and Folders check box should be selected, but isn't.
- If the job is a production job, the Perform Upload Processing for Production Jobs check box should be selected, but isn't.
- Two upload processing rules have the same values in the File Pattern box and the same process template or workflow template. For information, see Creating actions.
- The upload processing rule is not associated with the job that the files were uploaded to. See Assigning rules to jobs and job templates.
- The status of the job is Completed or Production.
Check for each possible cause, and correct any errors. Upload the files again.