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The File Information panel displays technical information about the separation file currently opened.

To view File Information, select Info... from the File Menu, or select a color separation in the Inventory/Separations panel and press the Info button in the bottom-right corner of the panel.

The information you see depends on whether Show Advanced information is checked in General Preferences or not. (Note: you must be in Packaging Mode in order to see General Preferences.)

Without Show Advanced Information (Default), the following information is displayed:

  • Name: Name of the selected file
  • Type: File format and compression type
  • Size: In Kilobytes (KB)
  • Separation: File color name
  • Dimension X: In chosen units and pixels
  • Dimension Y: In chosen units and pixels
  • Resolution X: In chosen units and pixels
  • Resolution Y: In chosen units and pixels
  • Creator: Creator application
  • Created: Creation date

With Show Advanced Information, the following information is displayed:

  • Name: Name of the selected file
  • Type: File format and compression type
  • Size: In Kilobytes (KB)
  • Separation: File color name
  • Dimension X: In chosen units and pixels
  • Dimension Y: In chosen units and pixels
  • Resolution X: In chosen units and pixels
  • Resolution Y: In chosen units and pixels
  • Creator: Creator application
  • Created: Creation date
  • Ink coverage: In percent and chosen units2
  • Bits per sample: 1 bit expected
  • Samples per pixel: In Pixels
  • Photometric: Whether Black or White is 0
  • Raster type: Whole Image, Stripped or Tiled (VPS format is Tiled 512 x 512)
  • Tile Width: In Pixels
  • Tile Height: In Pixels

  • No labels