Page tree

If there are problems with a page that you don't think can be corrected, set the page's approval status to Rejected. If there are problems with a page and you think the problems can be corrected, set the page's approval status to Waiting For Correction.


  • For review, you must have the appropriate review workflow settings and rights (not the Give Final Approval user right). For final approval, if you have a job role that includes both the Annotate and Give Final Approval users rights and the appropriate approval workflow settings, you can annotate and set the approval status of a page.

  • If the selected option for the customer review or approval workflow is Only on request, you must make sure that you were specifically requested to review or approve the desired pages.

Note: You should annotate the page to suggest corrections.

  1. Locate and tap the required page in the job.
  2. To set a page status to Reviewed Not OK, reject a page, or request corrections for a page, perform one of the following actions:

    • With the page open, tap  or .
    • With the page open, flick down to reject the page.
      Note: The button is available only if the page status is Approval Requested or Approval in Progress.

    The following confirmation screen appears:

  3. Tap the arrow to the right of the Reject page status and select one of the following options:

    1. Reject—tap this option if the pages contain errors that cannot be corrected.

    2. Request Correction—tap this option if the page contains errors that can be corrected—for example, the text contains a typographical error.

    3. Reviewed Not OK—Tap this option if you have completed your review and found errors in the page, but other users have not yet completed their reviews.

  4. (Optional) Use the onscreen keyboard to type comments if desired.
  5. Tap Submit.
    If you rejected a page or requested corrections for a page, the page status changes to Reject or Waiting for Corrections. If you selected the Review Not OK option, the page status stays Approval Requested. If you have completed your reviews, the page is still available for other users to complete their reviews or for final approval.

    If you have requested corrections, a PDF correction report is sent by email to the CSR.

    If you have accidentally set the page status to Reject or Request Correction and other users need to review the page, contact your CSR to change the page status back to Approval Requested.

    Important: When you set the approval status of a page to Rejected or Request Corrections, the page's status changes in the Kodak iPad application and in the job. You can no longer annotate the page. No other users can annotate the page either.


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