Page tree

When you switch to PDF geometry design mode, TIFF Assembler Plus displays the job in a new display window over the previewed job files. You can drag the display window around the workspace and change its size as needed.

The image is displayed with two or three frames around it: the media box, the trim box, and the bleed box (optional). The frames are applied to all of the file's separations according to the settings you defined in Edit > Preferences > PDF. You cannot apply different frames to different separations that are open together.

Media box 

The red frame is the media box. It is a rectangle that specifies the full size of the page—for example, the dimensions of the page or artwork. This rectangle includes any extended area surrounding the finished page for bleed, printing marks, or other similar purposes.

Trim box

The blue frame is the trim box. It is a rectangle that specifies the intended finished trim size of the artwork.

Bleed box

The aqua frame that may appear around the trim box is the bleed box. If the page is being output in a production environment, the bleed is a rectangle that specifies the region to which all page content should be clipped. In a production environment, a bleed area is required to accommodate the physical limitations of cutting, folding, and trimming equipment. The actual printed page may include printer's marks that fall outside the bleed box.

Status bar

 In PDF geometry design mode, the status bar for the display window contains the same information that it displays in Preview mode:

  • x and y: The current x and y coordinates of the cursor
  • Width and Height: The size of the TIFF file

  • No labels