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Add an Updated Page to Workflow 1

Imagine that you have received an updated page that must replace ITP_Fat.p0001.pdf. To add the page, you must return to Workflow 1 and process it, and then resume processing where you left off before starting Workflow 2.

  1. To display the Workflow dialog box, from the Window menu, select Process Viewer: View by Workflow.
  2. Double-click any process step in Workflow 1. 
    Notice that Prinergy Evo is still waiting for you to release and impose the refined .pdf files.
  3. From the RefinedMasters data folder, drag ITP_Fat.p0001.pdf to any area in the Workflow dialog box for Workflow 1. 
    • Prinergy Evo starts with the first workflow step when processing added files. 
    • The Add Files to Workflow dialog box appears.
  4. Click Go
    The refined file appears in the Files Created dialog box.

Re-refine the Added File (Workflow 1)

  1. Select the second refine processing step.
    Note: You can change the color mapping settings now, but you will learn about Prinergy Evo dynamic settings in another activity.
  2. In the Input Files pane, select, and click Release.
    A green check mark over the output to Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software process step (OutputPDF-VPS-ITP) indicates that Prinergy Evo successfully created the .vps files.
  3. To confirm the signatures, click the OutputPDF-VPS-ITP processing step and open any signature in the Files Created pane.
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