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Prepare Prinergy Evo and Preps to Work Together

  1. Choose a central location for your Preps templates, marks, and printers that each of your users and Prinergy Evo Client computers can access via your network.
    The default location for these files is a folder on a shared file server volume on your Prinergy server computer: [PrinergyServerName]\PgyEvoConfig\Preps.
  2. Move your existing Preps Templates, Marks, and Printers folders from your client computer to the shared folder you chose in step 1.
  3. Start Preps imposition software to check which information Prinergy Evo will use for automatic imposition:
    1. Open the Installation Test Procedure ITP-4up template, and note that this template contains only one signature.
      Though Preps supports multiple signatures in a single template, it is a best practice for automatic imposition that the templates you use contain only a single signature.
    2. Select the signature and from the Preps Edit menu, select Get Information.
    3. In the Signature Information dialog box, ensure that Make Signature Available for AutoSelect is selected.
      Only template signatures with this option enabled can be used by Prinergy Evo for automatic imposition.
    4. Close the template and quit Preps.

Configure a Prinergy Evo Create Imposition Process Template

  1. Start the Prinergy Evo process template Editor.
  2. Expand the Create Imposition group (found under Factory Templates), and then select and open one of the default process templates. 
  3. Save the create imposition process template with a new name.
  4. Expand the Preps Imposition Planning section of the process template.
    In this section, you will select a Preps template and print device settings for Prinergy Evo to use when automatically creating an imposition layout.
  5. In the Template area, select the following options to tell Prinergy Evo which Preps template to use from the Preps\Templates folder on your shared file server volume:
    1. In the Binding Style list, select Perfect Bound.
    2. In the Template Name list, select ITP-4up.
      If this template is not available, check your steps in the procedure Prepare Prinergy Evo and Preps to Work Together or select another template.
  6. In the Device area, in the Installed Device list, select Press Sheet Size.
    The Press Sheet Size device installed by default in Preps will be suitable for most output to Prinergy Evo.
  7. In the Profile Settings area, select Auto Reverse Backward Page and Auto Center Runlist Pages
    Settings in this area determine how Prinergy Evo will control the PDF digital master files as it places them in the imposition template.
  8. Set the Processed Files Location to your desired location for completed imposition files.
    Note: Consider the benefits of creating a workflow that would send the JDF files from this create imposition process template to an output from imposition process step. This would allow Prinergy Evo to automatically impose files, and then output the imposition to proof.
  9. Save and close the new process template.

Submit Single-Page PDF Digital Master Files for Automatic Imposition

You can now use your new create imposition process template to automatically impose PDF digital master files by selecting files and submitting them for processing via the new process template. When you select your PDF files, you will be able to arrange the files in a run list order. Prinergy Evo will automatically impose the files using the Preps template specified in the create imposition process template.

  1. Locate sample PDF digital master files.
    You can use the EvoITP_Fat.pooo1.pdf through EvoITP_Fat.poo16.pdf files found in the location to which you extracted the activity files, in the ITP Files\PreRefinedPages folder.
  2. Open the Prinergy Evo Template Browser, and then drag the PDF files to the create imposition process template you configured in the previous procedure.
  3. In the Process Start dialog box, you can select and drag files to change the order. When you have arranged the PDF digital master files in the desired run list order, click Go.
    In the Process Start dialog box, you can also change the process template that Prinergy Evo will use to process your files. In addition, you can dynamically change settings in the process template, and you can select a different Preps template or signature layout.
  4. Monitor processing in Process Viewer. When the process is finished, locate your completed files.
    Prinergy Evo creates a populated JDF imposition file in the location you specified in Processed File Preferences area of the process template. The system also creates a new folder, JDFMarksFlats. This folder contains the marks specified on the Preps template selected in the create imposition process template.
    Note: Prinergy Evo automatic imposition creates only JDF files. Other imposition file formats are not supported.

Output From Imposition and Check in Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software

  1. Confirm that your Prinergy Evo system has an output from imposition process template configured to output to Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software. 
    The default process template is OutputImposition-VPS-Factory.
  2. Select the populated EvoITP_Fat.p0001_impo.jdf file and EvoITP_Fat.p0001_impo.pdf marks file created by Prinergy Evo.
  3. Submit the JDF file to the OutputImposition-VPS-Factory imposition template using your preferred method:
    • If you submit via a hot folder, you must submit the JDF file and marks PDF file at the same time from the same location. 
    • If you submit via a template palette or the Template Browser, submit the JDF file only. The marks PDF file must reside in the same location as the JDF file. 
  4. Monitor processing in Process Viewer. When the process is finished, locate your completed files.
  5. Locate and open the Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software files.
  6. In Prinergy Virtual Proofing System software, view the imposition marks, trim boxes, and sheet marks specified in the Preps template you selected in your create imposition process template.
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